As you know, for a long time the French group Peugeot has been present on the cycling market and offers bicycles of all kinds. As for many companies, it appeared obvious for the firm to launch out in the green mobility by proposing various types of electric bike. That’s why, today, we propose you to discover the range of Peugeot e bike.
The 3 best ebikes of the market
The competitive context
The electric bicycle is a market that is growing at full speed. In France, for example, one million of them will be sold each year by 2025. All brands are now moving to electric bikes, to the point of changing the look of our city centers.
The old bicycle is getting its revenge. The Electricity Fairy has come and gone, helped by the current climate and the polluted atmosphere of city centers, which leads local authorities to promote alternatives to the car.
If mountain biking has long since adopted electric propulsion, which has revolutionized its practice in the mountains, the phenomenon now concerns urban bikes. “It’s simple, the electrically-assisted bicycle market is growing at an annual rate of 24%.
The good plans of the moment
Discover below the best offers of the moment. These very interesting offers are of course ephemeral. It’s up to you to take advantage of them as soon as possible.

Why buy a Peugeot e bike ?
In order to better understand why you should buy a Peugeot e bike, it is necessary to make a small historical reminder. Indeed, the presence of the firm in the field of cycling goes back to more than a century. Its history began in 1886 with the design and mass production of the Big-Bi – large wheel of 1,36m in the front and 40cm in the back.
And over the years, the Tricolor group has been able to put its know-how and expertise at the service of cycling enthusiasts by offering them top-of-the-range products and meeting all their needs! Finally, its desire to offer an alternative solution to the “classic” bikes does not date from yesterday since the very first electric bike proposed by Peugeot was born in 2009.
We can undoubtedly say that the French group has been able to take into consideration the changes linked to the market and to be one of the precursors of the latter. All this tends to reassure future buyers and encourage them to give their trust more easily to companies showing a real interest in green mobility and cycling.

Presentation of Peugeot electric bikes
For all your travel needs, Peugeot e bike is perfectly adapted to your lifestyle. In the city, be on time at the office, fresh and ready. On the roads, rediscover the pleasure of long walks at any age. In the mountains, reach the summits with ease and enjoy the descents.
Live new experiences thanks to the latest generation motors and batteries that equip Peugeot electrically assisted bicycles. All you have to do is choose the mode of transportation that suits you from among all the Peugeot electric bikes.
Different types of Peugeot e bike
The French group offers a complete range adapted to all types of possible and imaginable uses. In fact, it offers a Peugeot e bike for every situation. Whether they are compact, larger, more comfortable or with a sportier look, there is bound to be an electrically-assisted bicycle made for you !
The firm has really taken inspiration from the models it has already created in order to offer users adapted, appropriate and studied products. All this with the aim of providing them with the best possible experience !
Thus, you will be able to find your happiness among all the products on sale. They are placed in distinct categories. Let’s see it in more details in the next part !

Peugeot eFolding electric bike
This is a folding electric bicycle, and it is the only one offered by the group. The EF01, of its small name, seems to be the solution of urban mobility presented by the firm.
Its engine on front wheel would allow him to reach the maximum speed of 20 km/h, while having an autonomy of 30kms. Many elements are made of aluminum in order to reduce the weight as much as possible and to facilitate the transport.
This urban means of locomotion weighs 18.60 kg. However, if you know the electric bike market you certainly know that some can reach 24 or even 25kg! Finally the EF01 doesn’t seem so heavy! As for the price, expect to pay around 1 999€.

eCity electric bike by Peugeot
With this range of Peugeot e bike, the group offers you to conquer your daily urban travel and renew with the pleasures of long rides in town. The company produces no less than 5 types of Peugeot e bike of this style: AE21, eC01, eC02, eC03 and eLegend.
The styles are very similar, the only one that differs, in terms of aesthetics, is the AE21. Indeed, this one is much more compact than its counterparts. It has smaller wheels in order to offer a better handling! Then, the Peugeot eLC01 perfectly combines a retro touch with a modern one!
For each type of bicycle in the eCity range, you can choose whether or not to add extra options. This allows you to determine the amount of money you wish to spend on your purchase.
For these products, you will need to pay between 2 699€ for an eC01 and 1 349€ for an eC03. The eLegend eLC01, the eC02 and the AE21 are just in between. The maximum autonomies and speeds vary from one model to another and according to the equipment chosen.

Electric road bike : eRoad range
As for the electric city bike, Peugeot offers cyclists different options in terms of road bikes. We will talk about the eRoad range with the eR02, the eR02 Gravel and the eR02 Power Tube. Thanks to the latter, the group encourages you to extend your trips and make the most of your time on the road!
It provides you with ever lighter, more maneuverable and efficient bicycles that allow you to ride safely thanks to their agility and balance. For this type of Peugeot e bike, you must still expect a certain budget.
Indeed, you will have to spend at least 3 299€ for the eR02 Apex and up to 4 199€ for the eR02 Ultegra PowerTube. This is a real quality investment !

eMountain : range of bikes for the mountain
Let’s continue with this range specially designed for hiking and mountain biking! As for the other categories of Peugeot e bike offered by Peugeot, there are several types and models available in the eMountain: eM02, eM02 FS, eM02 PowerTube and eM03.
They are all available in several variants. Thus, everyone will have the opportunity to project themselves with the products offered by the brand. You will surely find the one that best suits your needs!
Thus, for what concerns the autonomy or the maximum speed reached with the electric assistance, you will have to look at the card of the product which interests you directly. We can already tell you that the range offered by the Tricolor group will be adapted to mountain biking in any case!
Indeed, it will follow you on the most sinuous paths and the most demanding courses. All the electric bikes in this category are equipped with the latest generation suspensions, frames and high-performance disc brakes!
The purchase of a bike of this type is a real investment to be taken into account. For those of the eMountain range, you should spend between 1 599€ and 5 199€. The price will obviously depend on the options you wish to integrate or not in your electric bike.

eTrekking : electric cross-country bike
You will have understood it, it remains us to see together the last of the categories proposed by the Peugeot group, we named the eTrekking. This last one is divided into 3 sub-categories: the eT01, the eT01 Mixed and the eT01 PowerTube.
These bikes are part of the family of mountain bikes. The electric assistance will allow you to extend the duration of your rides and thus to take advantage of the landscapes that nature offers you.
As for the previous categories, don’t forget that this is a Peugeot e bike, which is top of the range and adapted to each of your needs. You will have in your hands a small technological jewel with a French quality. In terms of price, it will be logical to imagine having to pay between 2 299€ and 3 999€ for a model of this range.

The history of the Peugeot brand
Coming from a great line of serious, rigorous and sometimes conservative industrialists, Armand Peugeot was the first of the “clan” to foresee the future of the automobile. Alone against all, the “adventurer” will stand firm, will involve all the good wills and will win his bet, thus giving birth to one of the most beautiful car brands.
Peugeot, a family adventure
Established in the Montbéliard (France) region since the 15th century. The Peugeot family is deeply attached to this discreet and hardworking province. A region of traditions, but also a region of exchanges.
A crossroads between France, Switzerland and Germany, naturally open to new ideas and new manufactured products. Thus, in 1810, realizing that the industrial revolution would be irreversible. Two of the heirs decided to transform the family mill into a foundry.
This was the beginning of the great Peugeot adventure. Steel, tools and household items were quickly produced on a large scale, establishing the firm’s reputation for quality and robustness.

First Peugeot bicycles
Grand-nephew of the founders, Armand, curious about everything, is considered a man who stops at nothing. He is almost an “adventurer” in the eyes of the peaceful people of France. As a young engineer with a diploma from the Arts et Manufactures de Paris, he did not hesitate to embark for England, the land of the industrial revolution.
During an internship in a company in Leeds, he understood the full extent of the future industrial and economic upheavals. He returns conquered by the bicycle. Against the advice of Eugène, his cousin with whom he presides over the family company, he ends up imposing the production of two-wheelers in one of the Doubs factories.
Armand saw further ahead and was already thinking of producing motor vehicles. After an unsuccessful attempt with a steam engine, he produced his first combustion engine car in 1891. Conflicts with the family, who did not believe in this new mode of locomotion, became so acute that Armand became independent in 1896.
Today, the brand offers a wide range of electrically assisted bicycles. Through its Junior, Trekking, Road, City and Mountain bike ranges. Peugeot Cycles offers top-of-the-range bikes that are the fruit of a century of know-how and expertise, covering all the needs of cycling enthusiasts.

Peugeot e bike : to conclude
To conclude this article. Investing in a Peugeot e bike will ensure you a product of high French quality and especially of great reliability. It will be an element thought and reflected for its use and adapted to the cyclists. Different kinds are available. Impossible that you do not find the bike that suits you !