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Test and opinion Beeper Max FX10 G2 : our advice before buying

Comfort, performance, autonomy and quality! These are the 4 most important criteria to take into account when buying your electric scooter. Criteria that Beeper, French company of embedded electronics, tries to put forward with its new second generation scooter, the Beeper Max FX10 G2. We have tested it for you, let’s discover it together in this article to give you our opinion on the Beeper Max FX10.

Beeper Max FX10 G2 : a new high-end generation

As we said above, the Beeper Max FX10 G2 is a new generation, improved, corrected from its previous version. This Beeper Max is the top of the range version of the brand. The comfort, safety and performance are clearly above the other smaller versions such as the Speed FX8 or the LITE versions.

The real plus of this range lies in the fact that the company’s premises are located in France. Thus, in case of after-sales service or any questions related to the use or replacement of your product, you can contact the company directly in France.

A really incredible autonomy

An incredible autonomy for such a small means of transport. We tested the most powerful of the two proposed versions, the FX10-G2-26 (FX10-G2-8 for the other version).

The difference ? Its autonomy then passes from 90 km announced against 35 km. This thanks to an incredible battery of 26Ah (8Ah for the other version). Friends of the long urban journeys, this scooter is made for you! Throughout our test we were bluffed by this autonomy which seems unlimited.

A rich equipment of quality

BEEPER bets big by providing complete and high quality accessories. Double suspension at the front and at the rear which provide an optimal comfort whatever the road or path used. A powerful disc brake that does not lack bite. A wider anti-slip platform, which allows the user to sit with his feet together without any difficulty.

This scooter is top of the line! It can be used in urban traffic (streets and alleys) in the heart of the traffic… The followers of the electric scooter in urban environment such as in Paris, will find this scooter interesting.

This one proposes a directional signalling thanks to indicators integrated in the ramp at the front and at the back. An alarm, an electric locking system and many others, make this scooter an exceptional vehicle.

The 3 best electric scooters on the market

In order to help you in your choice, we have selected the best electric scooters on the market. Having compared a large quantity of them, we made our choice by taking into account important criteria such as, the quality of manufacture, the appearance, safety, performance but also the price.


Beeper Max FX10 G2 : a product made in France

This scooter is, as you have understood, the result of the collaboration of French experts! Nothing more rewarding than to know that this scooter was thought by French engineers, to ensure the comfort of its users. A big positive point that can make the choice for this fabulous scooter.

Even if the manufacturing is located in Asia, the premises, the commercial, the after-sales service and the technical service are located in France and more particularly in Gleizé in 69.


Technical specifications from the Beeper Max

Let’s now review the technical features that make this electric scooter exceptional.

Power and operation

Incorporating a Brushless motor with a high power rating of 500W, this electric scooter for adults will have no trouble transporting you at a maximum speed of 25 km/h when the second operating mode is activated.

It is also important to note that the maximum power output of this means of locomotion is 850W. Beeper has not skimped on the means and this can be felt during its use.


With a weight of 16.4 kg, this electric scooter is not among the lightest in its category. However, it makes up for this with a powerful battery with a capacity of 384 Wh offering a very interesting autonomy of 35 km on average.

Your daily commute will no longer be an ordeal, go anywhere you want without worrying about a shaky autonomy.

Of course, when you say big autonomy, you also say longer recharge. Indeed, you will need between 4 and 5 hours to fully recharge this adult electric scooter.

Its weight

Its weight remains to be taken into account in everyday life. Totalling 16.4 kg on the scale, only the fact of having to carry it could slow down some. For the rest, as explained above, the 500W motor will carry you with ease.

Equipment and lighting

Equipment is one of the strengths of the Beeper brand. This is not the first time we have seen their products fully equipped. Front and rear LED lights, LCD screen, horn, remote control to activate or deactivate the anti-theft and alarm!

Beeper pushes the equipment to the maximum with this flagship product. We find there an electric scooter with all the French know-how.

Comfort and safety

As we said above, Beeper did not skimp on the means and offers with this adult electric scooter a comfortable and safe product.

Most high-end electric scooters today offer comfortable default features such as air-filled wheels. But do they all offer, like this Beeper Max FX10, front and rear shock absorbers? The comfort is even more accentuated and put forward. A side stand completes the package as well as a fast and secure folding system.

Let’s continue our long list and move on to one of the most important safety features, the braking. It is without call, the French mark did not leave this point aside by equipping this adult electric scooter of disc brakes in front of as in the back.

Safety remains a very important point, since you are one with your scooter, our team advises you to equip yourself with protective accessories. Wearing a helmet should not be taken lightly no matter what you do.


The price

This scooter is proposed at a price of around 700 euros, somewhat more expensive than its competitors as well as its equipment. Let us not forget that we speak about a scooter thought, worked out and worked in France!

The price seems to us in this case completely coherent even very interesting compared to the other offers on the market of the electric scooters.

In summary of our test

We took the time to test this scooter in all weather and in many conditions. Indeed, we did not stop at urban use. And yes, why not also use it in the countryside? In the paths where the suspensions and the inflated tires did their job very well.

Let’s now move on to the different points we liked and those we liked less. Because yes, this scooter has strong points but also weak points.

Beeper Max FX10 G2 : what we liked

This electric scooter is a reference in this growing market. 

A French development

Its strong point is first of all its origins. A French elaboration and that is felt right away from the unpacking of the product.

Great performance

The performance in terms of power and autonomy are amazing! We were surprised by the efficiency of this electric scooter, even on roads or cycle tracks with strong inclination. An enormous autonomy! 90 kms posted by Beeper, we rather approached 60 kms (in the worst conditions). What remains enormous for its category.

A rich equipment

Its equipment makes this scooter the queen of the market. Beeper has taken the detail of the accessories to the highest level. Nothing is missing and this is very flattering for the buyer.

Optimal security

The safety of this scooter meets all expectations. Much safer than the competition, the Beeper Max FX10 reassures and protects its user.

Beeper Max FX10 G2 : what we liked least

We must also mention the negative points of this scooter.

A heavyweight

The first thing that jumps out at us is the size of this scooter. We are certainly dealing with a two-wheeled motorized vehicle, powerful and resistant. But this quality is paid by its weight.

In our opinion the Beeper Max FX10 is too heavy. So heavy that it will be difficult to satisfy people with “low muscle mass”… In other words, it is preferable not to have to carry the scooter several times a day to avoid damaging it or even injuring yourself.

A simple but effective folding system…

The folding of this scooter is theoretically simple but its weight makes it so complex. It’s a pity, but you can feel the care taken by the engineers to use this scooter.

Lack of protective material under the scooter

The metal platform is sorely lacking in plastic or even rubber protection on the bottom. This would prevent the scooter from being damaged when folding.

But above all, it would prevent the scooter from hitting the ground while folding. This defect, linked to the excessive weight, made the maneuvers difficult on the tiled floor of the house.

Beeper Max FX10 consumer reviews

Great scooter !
After 220km I highly recommend this product. Very robust…

Disappointed with my previous scooters, this one is really good. The suspensions make it stable…

I am 1m89 and 100kg. Well, I am surprised by the power of the machine…

This scooter, compared with the Xiaomi pro 2, is really above in terms of equipment and features…


If you are looking for a high performance, comfortable, quality scooter that can carry you for dozens of kilometers without running low on battery power, in our opinion this Beeper Max FX10 scooter is for you.

We strongly advise, before any purchase, to identify your needs. Do not forget that the weight of this scooter is to be taken into account. Avoid carrying it and folding it daily.

To simplify your research, OnMyBike regularly publishes articles on electric scooters
